
Ramming of Police Vehicles in South Armagh

Ramming of Police Vehicles in South Armagh
That this Assembly condemns those who resort to ramming police vehicles in an attempt to evade criminal enforcement action, including arrest; believes it is reprehensible that seventy-seven PSNI officers were injured as a result of their vehicles being deliberately rammed in 2023; notes with concern that this was a 50 per cent increase on 2022; highlights that the spate of such attacks in South Armagh has coincided with far-reaching and politically-motivated policing reforms in the area; stresses the need to assess the impact of the roll-out of additional non-armoured and liveried vehicles in Slieve Gullion on local crime trends; further notes the impact ramming incidents have on operational policing resources, including through sickness absence and rising repair bills; and calls on the Minister of Justice to consider stronger custodial sentencing for those who weaponise their vehicles to attack police officers; and further calls on the Minister of Justice to prioritise a visible and effective police service by bringing forward a fair and ambitious budget settlement for the PSNI in the next financial year.
Private Members' Motion
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