Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQW 16135/22-27
Mr Gerry Carroll
(PBPA - West Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the number of classroom assistants currently employed in Irish medium education.
+ Display Answer
| 03/10/2024 |
Answered on 09/10/2024
AQW 11906/22-27
Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Education for his assessment of the number of (i) qualified classroom assistants; and (ii) units available for Key Stage 1 pupils with autism in relation to current need.
+ Display Answer
| 14/05/2024 |
Answered on 31/05/2024
AQW 11673/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the number of (i) classroom assistants employed; and (ii) classroom assistant positions vacant, in Upper Bann in each of the last five years.
+ Display Answer
| 10/05/2024 |
Answered on 17/05/2024
AQW 11155/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the (i) qualifications; and (ii) experience required for teachers and classroom assistants working in Specialist Provision in Mainstream school classes.
+ Display Answer
| 01/05/2024 |
Answered on 03/05/2024
AQO 375/22-27
Mr Colm Gildernew
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Education for an update on fair pay and conditions for classroom assistants.
+ Display Answer
| 18/04/2024 |
Answered on 30/04/2024
AQW 10277/22-27
Ms Claire Sugden
(IND - East Londonderry)
To ask the Minister of Education for an update on efforts to provide classroom assistants with a fair pay deal.
+ Display Answer
| 17/04/2024 |
Answered on 01/05/2024
AQW 10049/22-27
Mr Mark Durkan
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Education (i) how many reports the Education Authority has received of classroom assistants being removed from their class, or their assigned pupil with special educational needs, for the purpose of invigilating exams, in the last three years; and (ii) for his assessment of the situation.
+ Display Answer
| 12/04/2024 |
Answered on 26/04/2024
AQW 7083/22-27
Mrs Deborah Erskine
(DUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for the Economy what support is provided by his Department for those who wish to pursue a career as a classroom assistant.
+ Display Answer
| 21/02/2024 |
Answered on 07/03/2024
AQW 6722/22-27
Ms Cara Hunter
(SDLP - East Londonderry)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the number of people at each grade for Special Educational Needs Classroom Assistants, broken down by gender.
+ Display Answer
| 16/02/2024 |
Answered on 01/03/2024
AQW 5747/22-27
Ms Cara Hunter
(SDLP - East Londonderry)
To ask the Minister of Education what funds are available to provide additional classroom assistants for Special Educational Needs pupils.
+ Display Answer
| 07/02/2024 |
Answered on 20/02/2024
AQW 4055/22-27
Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Education (i) whether classroom assistants in any sector receive pay over school holidays; and (ii) whether she has plans to introduce payment to classroom assistants across schools during school holidays.
+ Display Answer
| 04/10/2022 |
Answered on 19/10/2022
AQW 3699/22-27
Ms Cara Hunter
(SDLP - East Londonderry)
To ask the Minister of Education whether her Department has plans to provide for classroom assistants to be paid outside term time.
+ Display Answer
| 28/09/2022 |
Answered on 13/10/2022
AQW 244/22-27
Ms Kellie Armstrong
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Education what actions her Department has taken to address the shortage of classroom assistants.
+ Display Answer
| 19/05/2022 |
Answered on 07/06/2022
AQW 29473/17-22
Ms Kellie Armstrong
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Education why classroom assistants, who are employed to provide one-to-one support for children with a statement of special education needs, are being redeployed within schools for other tasks.
+ Display Answer
| 09/02/2022 |
Answered on 24/02/2022
AQW 14388/17-22
Mr Paul Givan
(DUP - Lagan Valley)
To ask the Minister of Education how many classroom assistants are employed to facilitate the complex needs of children in primary and post-primary mainstream schools.
+ Display Answer
| 10/02/2021 |
Answered on 26/02/2021
AQW 5750/17-22
Ms Kellie Armstrong
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Education when classroom assistants will receive training or guidance on how to support children with a statement of special education needs, to ensure not only COVID-19-related protections are in place, but also to ensure children’s recognised needs will be met.
+ Display Answer
| 21/07/2020 |
Answered on 29/07/2020
AQW 4271/17-22
Mrs Pam Cameron
(DUP - South Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Education whether a classroom assistant designated to a pupil with special educational needs should be continuing to provide support to that pupil during homeschooling due to COVID-19.
+ Display Answer
| 26/05/2020 |
Answered on 15/06/2020
AQW 2992/17-22
Mr Mark Durkan
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Education, pursuant to AQW 2276/17-22, why the Education Authority, as the hiring body, does not hold this information.
+ Display Answer
| 02/03/2020 |
Answered on 09/03/2020
AQW 2357/17-22
Mr Chris Lyttle
(APNI - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education (i) how many classroom assistants are employed by the Education Authority; (ii) how many are employed by schools; and (iii) how much, on average, is a classroom assistant paid per annum.
+ Display Answer
| 19/02/2020 |
Answered on 03/03/2020
AQW 2276/17-22
Mr Mark Durkan
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) how many individuals holding Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) are now employed as classroom assistants across all schools; and (ii) at what schools are these individuals employed.
+ Display Answer
| 18/02/2020 |
Answered on 26/02/2020