Official Report: Minutes of Evidence

Committee for the Economy, meeting on Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Members present for all or part of the proceedings:

Dr Caoimhe Archibald (Chairperson)
Mr Matthew O'Toole (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr Stewart Dickson
Mr Stephen Dunne
Mr Mike Nesbitt
Mr John O'Dowd
Mr Peter Weir

Small-Scale Green Energy Bill

The Chairperson (Dr Archibald): I advise members that the Committee will receive a briefing from the Research and Information Service (RaISe) at next week's meeting, where it will also hear from Power NI about the Bill. The Clerk will bring forward a summary of the evidence received to date and will outline the proposed oral evidence sessions for the next few weeks. That is for members to note for now.

The Committee Clerk: Chair, we are re-profiling the survey. We usually do that a number of days or a week out from the final close down. The consultation and call for evidence will close on 18 November 2021. The Communications Office will push out another set of placed social media, and that usually gets us a bigger wave. At the minute, we have not had a lot of response to the survey; it is more that the larger organisations that we approached directly have written back. Those are the ones that we will probably schedule in. Hopefully, that push will get more people to fill in the survey.

Mr O'Dowd: I have not had a chance to check the Committee's web page yet, but an organisation emailed me yesterday to say that they had been on the web page to look for the survey and could not find it. Is it on the Committee's web page?

The Committee Clerk: It is. The links are all there, and there is a link to it from the front page of the Assembly website. To be honest, the front page of the Assembly website is easier to find.

Mr O'Dowd: Right, OK.

The Committee Clerk: Once we send out all of our social media stuff again, we will retweet that. You can direct people to the link that will be on our Twitter feed. We can probably pin that tweet. We can pin that at the top so that, if they go to our Twitter feed, they will automatically see that and the link will be at the top. We will do that.

Mr O'Dowd: Thank you.

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