Tabled Date | Amendment Text |
02/12/2016 | Leave out all after ‘recognises’ and insert:
‘the extensive voluntary input to the consultation, engagement and delivery of the Social Investment Fund programme; further recognises that the Social Investment Fund delivery model represents a unique and innovative joined-up approach to tackle disadvantage and enhance prosperity; believes that the participatory engagement of stakeholders, from across the community, statutory, business and political spectrums, in the Steering Groups demonstrates confidence in the collaborative approach to the identification and delivery of local priorities; and acknowledges the robust departmental governance and financial management checks in place to effectively manage public investment and deliver agreed outcomes.’
02/12/2016 | Leave out all after ‘concern’ and insert:
‘and the damage caused to public confidence regarding the formation, implementation and operation of the Social Investment Fund; and calls for the Northern Ireland Audit Office to undertake a review of the operation of the entire Social Investment Fund process.’
02/12/2016 | Leave out all after the first ‘Social Investment Fund;’ and insert:
‘regrets that negative publicity has distracted from the very positive progress of this pioneering initiative; supports the investment of £80 million across 68 projects in early intervention, education and training for employability and enhancing facilities in local communities; notes that only actual costs incurred, evidenced and approved by the Department will be paid; welcomes the positive reaction by elected representatives from across the political spectrum about Social Investment Fund projects in their areas; and calls on the Executive to take every opportunity to promote the positive outcomes from this fund.’