
Relationships and Sexuality Education

Relationships and Sexuality Education
That this Assembly recognises the value of compulsory, standardised, inclusive, high-quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate Relationships and Sexuality Education as a means of empowering and preparing our children and young people for life; regrets that children and young people in Northern Ireland have not had access to such a curriculum; acknowledges that teachers and school staff must have the support, training and resources they require to feel confident in delivering Relationships and Sexuality Education in schools; further recognises that Relationships and Sexuality Education has a vital role to play in tackling violence against women and girls; and calls on the Minister of Education to bring forward a plan which enshrines the right of children and young people to access Relationships and Sexuality Education and which values their voice in the development of a curriculum that will deliver a standardised, inclusive, high-quality, evidence-based, and age-appropriate Relationships and Sexuality Education.
Private Members' Motion
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