Motion Amendment

Conversion Practices - Amendment 1

Conversion Practices - Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘That this Assembly’ and insert: ‘recognises that harmful and damaging conversion practices can take place in Northern Ireland; notes that conversion practices can take many forms and can occur in a variety of settings; acknowledges the findings from the May 2024 publication, A Study of Conversion Practices in Northern Ireland, by Professor Fidelma Ashe and Dr Danielle Mackle; further recognises that where an individual voluntarily wishes and actively seeks prayerful and pastoral support, this should not be withheld from them, and as such this does not constitute a conversion practice; and calls on the Minister for Communities to consult widely on the way ahead, including relevant legislative options, to ban the practice of conversion therapy but to also ensure legal safeguards are in place to protect freedom of religion and freedom of speech.’
Private Members' Motion
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