Motion Amendment

Budgetary Pressures - Amendment 2

Budgetary Pressures - Amendment 2
Leave out all after the first ‘relative need;’ and insert: ‘agrees that, while the interim Fiscal Framework agreed with the UK Government was an important first step, the proposed 124 per cent relative need factor will, as things stand, only apply to future Barnett consequentials and cannot remedy the damage caused by core funding for Northern Ireland dropping below need, prior to the restoration of devolution in February 2024; stresses that this will have a significant, adverse and recurrent impact on the scale of the Northern Ireland block grant and therefore the delivery of vital frontline services; further notes that the proposed 124 per cent relative need factor does not adequately reflect policing and justice need in Northern Ireland and the disproportionate squeeze on the justice budget; believes that a baselined fiscal floor, set at a level greater than 124 per cent, should be delivered without further delay; calls on the Minister of Finance to publish the Executive Sustainability Plan, including steps to tackle inefficiencies and duplication, which leaves the Executive with less to invest in public services each year; and further calls on the UK Government to depart from its austerity policy by agreeing a new, long-term financial settlement with the Executive, reviewing the fiscal rules and pursuing a progressive taxation system.’
Private Members' Motion
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