Motion Amendment

Failure to Produce a River Basin Management Plan - Amendment 1

Failure to Produce a River Basin Management Plan - Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘to address pollution;’ and insert: ‘recognises that without an effective River Basin Management Plan, there are cross-border, environmental, public health and economic consequences, including increased flood risks, threats to biodiversity and an adverse impact on sectors which are reliant on clean freshwater sources, including agriculture and tourism; affirms the importance of holding the Department accountable for its statutory obligations under environmental law; demands immediate, proportionate action to reverse the ongoing deterioration of Northern Ireland’s water quality, comprising all sectors of society; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, in line with commitments contained in the Lough Neagh Action Plan, to complete his Department’s review of the draft third cycle River Basin Management Plan, and bring forward a programme of strategic measures to improve water quality, by December 2024, whilst ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are fully engaged in the process.’
Private Members' Motion
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