Motion Amendment

Gender-Responsive Budgeting - Amendment 1

Gender-Responsive Budgeting - Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘recognises’ and insert: ‘the importance of addressing systemic inequalities in our society by enhancing the effectiveness and scrutiny of public expenditure; notes with concern that previous budgets and programmes for government have not adequately supported the advancement of gender equality, resulting in missed opportunities to address and reduce gender disparities; welcomes, however, the ongoing development of a Gender Equality Strategy by the Department for Communities in conjunction with affected stakeholders; further welcomes progress introducing gender pay reporting by employers in Northern Ireland by the end of this Assembly mandate; and calls on the Minister of Finance, having first consulted with Executive colleagues, to consider the merits of introducing gender-responsive budgeting measures, including gender impact assessments, the allocation of resources to proactively address and reduce gender inequalities, and the use of transparent monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess gender equality.’
Private Members' Motion
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