Motion Amendment

Job Creation and Cross-Border Co-operation in the North West - Amendment 1

Job Creation and Cross-Border Co-operation in the North West - Amendment 1
Leave out all after ‘fintech;’ and insert: ‘notes that the Department for the Economy has been unable to present evidence of any significant benefits of dual market access for each of these sectors to date; further notes the potential of the Londonderry and Strabane City Region City Deal and Inclusive Future Fund as a key driver of regional growth; calls on the Minister for the Economy to work with Executive colleagues and, where appropriate, counterparts in the Irish Government to coordinate investment, infrastructure improvements, skills development and sectoral growth initiatives for the North West City Region; and further calls on the Minister to work with Invest NI, InterTradeIreland and the North West Tertiary Education Cluster to produce plans to grow the skills, research and innovation capacity of the North West City Region, support local enterprise partnerships, and fully utilise the opportunities presented by cross-border trade.’
Private Members' Motion
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