Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Answered On |
AQW 2311/16-21
Mr Andy Allen MBE
(UUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities what measures would need to be taken to allow the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to borrow money; and (i) whether; and (ii) when, he intends to take these measures.
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| 01/07/2016 | 06/07/2016 |
AQW 2306/16-21
Mr Robbie Butler
(UUP - Lagan Valley)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the (i) target waiting times for psychological treatments; and (ii) current waiting times for same, in each Health and Social Care Trust.
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| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2305/16-21
Mr Robbie Butler
(UUP - Lagan Valley)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the number of people with (i) type 1; and (ii) type 2 diabetes, in each of the last ten years.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2301/16-21
Mr Alan Chambers
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail how many bed days were lost because of discharge delays, in each hospital last year.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2288/16-21
Mrs Sandra Overend
(UUP - Mid Ulster)
To ask the Minister of Education for his assessment of the adequacy of current levels of additional support provided in schools for pupils diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.
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| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2287/16-21
Mrs Sandra Overend
(UUP - Mid Ulster)
To ask the Minister of Education what additional support is provided in schools for pupils diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2284/16-21
Ms Michelle Gildernew
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to outline a timeline for the implementation of the Sexual Orientation Strategy.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 07/07/2016 |
AQW 2283/16-21
Ms Michelle Gildernew
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities what commitment he can give that there will be a stand-alone Anti Poverty Strategy.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 06/07/2016 |
AQW 2281/16-21
Mr Barry McElduff
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Education (i) to outline the current status of a Development Proposal to amalgamate three Catholic Maintained primary schools in the parish of Donagheady; (ii) whether his Department is aware of any dissatisfaction among the community regarding the management of the process to date; and (iii) to detail the next steps in the process of working towards this amalgamation.
[Priority Written]
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| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2270/16-21
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín
(SF - North Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the targets set by the public authorities currently under his remit for how social consideration can be brought forward into contracts during this Comprehensive Spending Review period.
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| 01/07/2016 | 07/07/2016 |
AQW 2267/16-21
Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley
(DUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice, pursuant to AQW 1491/16-21, to detail (i) what offences were the individuals specified convicted of; and (ii) what sentences they received.
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| 01/07/2016 | 07/07/2016 |
AQW 2264/16-21
Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley
(DUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice, pursuant to AQW 1815/16-21, whether these actions were carried out and applied in the case of Cathal Francis Hughes and his release to a Simon Community Hostel; and how these premises were regarded as suitable given their location close to child-centred facilities.
[Priority Written]
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 06/07/2016 |
AQW 2263/16-21
Mr Ian Milne
(SF - Mid Ulster)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail any progress made on Recommendation 13 of the Inquiry into post Special Educational Need (SEN) Provision in education, employment and training for those with Learning Disabilities in Northern Ireland.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2255/16-21
Mr Richie McPhillips
(SDLP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail (i) the number of people on GP training schemes in each of the last five years; and (ii) the number of applicants for GP training places for 2016.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2239/16-21
Mr Patsy McGlone
(SDLP - Mid Ulster)
To ask the Minister of Health when the 1 per cent pay increase for Health Service workers agreed by her predecessor will be implemented.
[Priority Written]
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| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2234/16-21
Mr Daniel McCrossan
(SDLP - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice to outline the date the Court of Appeal will consider the case of R v David Lee Stewart and William Ross Casement.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 07/07/2016 |
AQW 2233/16-21
Mr Daniel McCrossan
(SDLP - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice why, in the case of R v David Lee Stewart & William Ross Casement, Mr Ross’s case was not referred to the Court of Appeal.
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| 01/07/2016 | 07/07/2016 |
AQW 2231/16-21
Mr Daniel McCrossan
(SDLP - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail (i) the new hourly rate; and (ii) the previous hourly rate, paid to domiciliary care providers in the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 08/07/2016 |
AQW 2227/16-21
Mr Fra McCann
(SF - West Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities for an update on the Empty Homes Strategy.
+ Display Answer
| 01/07/2016 | 06/07/2016 |
AQW 2225/16-21
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure whether he will prioritise the upgrade of the Strathroy Road, Omagh to deal with the increase in traffic when the Strathroy Link Road is completed in 2018.
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| 01/07/2016 | 06/07/2016 |