All-Party Group on Terminal Illness

Purpose: The All Party Group on Terminal Illness would help to raise awareness of crucial issues in the NI Assembly and ensure the voices of people affected by terminal illness is heard in the public policy debate.

Ms Joanne Bunting

Democratic Unionist Party

East Belfast

Mr Danny Donnelly

Alliance Party

East Antrim

Ms Paula Bradshaw

Alliance Party

South Belfast

Mr Robbie Butler

Ulster Unionist Party

Lagan Valley

Mr Trevor Clarke

Democratic Unionist Party

South Antrim

Mrs Linda Dillon

Sinn Féin

Mid Ulster

Mrs Diane Dodds

Democratic Unionist Party

Upper Bann

Mrs Ciara Ferguson

Sinn Féin


Miss Órlaithí Flynn

Sinn Féin

West Belfast

Ms Diane Forsythe

Democratic Unionist Party

South Down

Mr Colm Gildernew

Sinn Féin

Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Mr Harry Harvey

Democratic Unionist Party


Mr Colin McGrath

Social Democratic and Labour Party

South Down

Mr Gary Middleton

Democratic Unionist Party


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