Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 961/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Communities, pursuant to AQW 4374/16-21, to outline his Department's scrutiny of discussions by the Strategic Investment Board and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in relation to the transfer of ownership of housing executive buildings.
View Official Report for AQO 961/16-21
| 12/01/2017 |
Answered on 24/01/2017
AQW 8651/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Education whether the Women’s Centres Childcare Fund will be funded through his Department in 2017-18.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 21/12/2016
AQW 8650/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Communities whether he will ensure the Women’s Centres Childcare Fund will continue to be funded through his Department, in financial year April 2017 to March 2018.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 15/12/2016
AQW 8501/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Justice whether an investigation was carried out into the role and behaviour of a member of Maghaberry prison staff in the incident on October 30 2016 which led to Lorraine Taylor being barred until December 12 2016 from visiting her husband, Tony Taylor, in the prison.
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| 05/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8500/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Justice to outline why Lorraine Taylor was not asked for her account of the incident at Maghaberry prison on October 30 2016 before a decision was made to bar her until December 12 2016 from visiting her husband, Tony Taylor, in the prison on account of her alleged role in the incident.
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| 05/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8499/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Justice to outline (i) the investigation carried out; and (ii) by whom, regarding an incident at Maghaberry prison on October 30 2016 prior to a decision being made that Lorraine Taylor should be barred until December 12 2016 from visiting her husband, Tony Taylor, in the prison.
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| 05/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8498/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Justice to outline the rules and procedures followed by prison management in investigating allegations made by members of prison staff against persons visiting prisoners.
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| 05/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8497/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister of Justice to outline why Lorraine Taylor has been banned from visiting her husband, Tony Taylor, at Maghaberry Prison.
[Priority Written]
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| 05/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8416/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure , following the completion of Phase 2 of the upgrade of the Derry railway line, when will Phase 3 (i) begin; and (ii) reach completion.
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| 02/12/2016 |
Answered on 13/12/2016
AQW 8415/16-21
Mr Eamonn McCann
(PBPA - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure why there was no special marketing or promotional events to mark the reopening of the Derry railway line.
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| 02/12/2016 |
Answered on 14/12/2016