Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 827/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to outline what action he intends to take to support further education institutions to reduce the level of economic inactivity within the workforce.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered on 23/09/2024
AQW 14880/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Finance to detail (i) the amount her Department has recouped in unpaid domestic and non-domestic rates in the last five years; and (ii) any plans in place to address the rising level of unpaid rates.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered by 27/09/2024
AQW 14879/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Justice (i) whether any prisoners released in England and Wales under the early release scheme will be in residing in Northern Ireland; and (ii) to detail any processes in place to link such prisoners to the Probation Board for Northern Ireland.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered by 27/09/2024
AQW 14878/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail (i) the level of funding provided to Tourism Ireland in each of the last three years; (ii) the percentage of Tourism Ireland's total budget that is made up by this funding; and (ii) the targets agreed with Tourism Ireland against which the effectiveness of this funding can be measured.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered by 27/09/2024
AQW 14877/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail the steps his Department (i) has taken in the last three years; and (ii) plans to take in the next three years, to give Northern Ireland a competitive advantage over the Republic of Ireland as a tourist destination.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered by 27/09/2024
AQW 14876/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Justice to detail the amount of funding allocated to the Office of the Attorney General for Northern Ireland through the Executive programme for tackling paramilitary activity and organised crime in the last five years.
| 12/09/2024 |
To be answered by 27/09/2024
AQW 14782/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for Communities (i) for an update on the reform of the Housing Executive points system; and (ii) when the review will be complete.
| 11/09/2024 |
To be answered by 26/09/2024
AQW 14781/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail (i) the number of people currently in temporary housing in the Upper Bann area; and (ii) the steps he is taking to support the Housing Executive in order to speed up the process of moving tenants out of temporary housing and into permanent housing.
| 11/09/2024 |
To be answered by 26/09/2024
AQW 14780/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail the number of people currently on the Housing Executive list to be rehoused in the Upper Bann area.
| 11/09/2024 |
To be answered by 26/09/2024
AQW 14692/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Finance whether she will engage with the Northern Ireland Civil Service Human Resources to change the Staff Handbook paragraph 3.09 relating to Excusal of Sick due to injuries, disease and assault to include stress and psychological injuries brought about due to work-based environments.
| 10/09/2024 |
To be answered by 25/09/2024