Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 1615/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for an update on the Bovine TB Eradication Strategy.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered on 25/02/2025
AQW 22216/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, pursuant to AQW 20490/22-27, (i) whether he will give further consideration to the Ulster Farmers’ Union’s proposal to delay the Suckler Cow Scheme to 1 January 2026, in light of ongoing concerns from farm businesses, particularly those with spring-calving herds; and (ii) to detail any factors that would influence a decision to revise the scheme’s start date further.
| 10/02/2025 |
To be answered by 25/02/2025
AQW 22215/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to detail (i) how the current budget constraints, including the reported lack of funding for avian influenza and bluetongue, will impact the ongoing implementation of the all-island Animal Health and Welfare Strategy; and (ii) any contingency plans in place to address potential future disease outbreaks.
| 10/02/2025 |
To be answered by 25/02/2025
AQW 22214/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, pursuant to AQW 21337/22-27, to detail (i) what constitutes exceptional circumstances under the legal framework for badger culling; and (ii) whether, based on the Chief Veterinary Officer’s review of bovine TB, the current situation meets those criteria.
| 10/02/2025 |
To be answered by 25/02/2025
AQO 1501/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to outline any plans his Department has to support the regeneration of rural villages and small towns.
View Official Report for AQO 1501/22-27
| 30/01/2025 |
Answered on 10/02/2025
AQW 21338/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs whether he will intervene to ensure Max, a puppy in the care of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, is released into a foster home pending adulthood, with breed assessment deferred until he matures given the lack of evidence confirming whether he is of pit bull type.
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| 27/01/2025 |
Answered on 04/02/2025
AQW 21337/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to detail (i) what constitutes exceptional circumstances under the legal framework for badger culling; and (ii) whether the situation in relation to bovine TB meets the criteria.
+ Display Answer
| 27/01/2025 |
Answered on 04/02/2025
AQO 1461/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on the public competition to recruit a new Victims Commissioner.
| 23/01/2025 |
To be answered on 03/02/2025
AQO 1408/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to outline the next stage of the A5 Western Transport Corridor project.
View Official Report for AQO 1408/22-27
| 16/01/2025 |
Answered on 27/01/2025
AQW 20490/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (i) why his Department is proceeding with the Suckler Cow Scheme from 1 April 2025, despite concerns raised by the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) about the impact on farm businesses, particularly spring-calving herds, and the lack of consultation and communication with farmers; and (ii) whether he will consider the UFU’s proposal to delay the scheme to 1 January 2026.
[Priority Written]
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| 14/01/2025 |
Answered on 27/01/2025