Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQW 20847/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to detail any plans his Department has to introduce residents' parking schemes in North Down.
| 17/01/2025 |
To be answered by 03/02/2025
AQW 20846/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to detail any plans his Department has to introduce traffic calming measures in Donaghadee.
| 17/01/2025 |
To be answered by 03/02/2025
AQO 1422/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to outline what consideration he has given to reopening the inpatient ward and the Minor Injuries Unit at Bangor Community Hospital to alleviate pressures in capacity within the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered on 27/01/2025
AQW 20765/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the measures his Department is putting in place to ensure basic dignity and toileting needs are being met for patients waiting in corridors across the hospital estate.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20764/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the number of patients currently waiting in corridor beds, broken down by (i) Health and Social Care Trust; and (ii) hospital.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20763/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health how he intends to use artificial intelligence technology to improve efficiency across the health service.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20762/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health (i) whether he intends to increase the number of inflammatory bowel disease nurse specialists; and (ii) whether he has considered opportunities for personal development, such as Master's level qualifications.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20761/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to detail the number of surface defects reported on footpaths in each of the last five years, broken down by local council area.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20673/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail any consideration his Department has given to the implementation of National Primary Care Diagnostic Pathway for lower gastrointestinal symptoms across all Health and Social Care Trusts, in order to provide clarity for primary care professionals and ensure people living with gut-related symptoms get the right tests at the right time.
| 15/01/2025 |
To be answered by 30/01/2025
AQW 20672/22-27
Mr Peter Martin
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail any plans his Department has to invest in high-profile public health campaigns to raise awareness of the seriousness of inflammatory bowel disease and its symptoms, such as the Crohn’s and Colitis UK Cut the Crap initiative, with support from dedicated experts and a focus on addressing inequalities in diagnosis.
| 15/01/2025 |
To be answered by 30/01/2025