Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 8696/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of the Environment for an update on the process and frequency of grounds maintenance at State Care monuments in the south east of County Down.
| 10/09/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQW 48763/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Justice, in relation to the Pension Ombudsman’s ruling on the payment of commutation figures underpaid to police officers between 2001 and 2006, what information his officials have obtained on the direction given by the Home Office to other police forces in the UK.
[Priority Written]
+ Display Answer
| 14/09/2015 |
Answered on 17/09/2015
AQW 48727/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Justice what discussions his officials have had with Home Office officials on the recent Pension Ombudsman’s ruling on the payment of commutation figures, which were underpaid to police officers between 2001 and 2006.
[Priority Written]
+ Display Answer
| 11/09/2015 |
Answered on 14/09/2015
AQW 48701/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Justice, given the recent decision by the Pension Ombudsman on the payment of commutation figure to police officers between 2001 and 2006, when outstanding figures to former police officers will be paid through Police Pensions Branch.
[Priority Written]
+ Display Answer
| 10/09/2015 |
Answered on 14/09/2015
AQW 48601/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail plans for new social housing in South Belfast.
| 08/09/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQW 48600/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail the number of complaints made to local Councils in relation to the condition of (i) housing association; and (ii) Housing Executive properties in each of the last three years, broken down by constituency.
| 08/09/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQW 48599/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Social Development for (i) an update on the pilot scheme at Cuchulainn House; (ii) his assessment of the scheme to date: and (iii) whether there are plans to roll out the scheme to other tower blocks in the future.
| 08/09/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQW 48598/11-16
Mr Jimmy Spratt
(DUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Social Development for an update on the maintenance and investment strategy for multi-storey tower blocks.
| 08/09/2015 |
Question Withdrawn