Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 1436/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Health for his assessment of his Department's proposed allocation in the Draft Budget 2025-26.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered on 27/01/2025
AQO 1421/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure for an update on any plans to enhance the roads infrastructure leading to Craigavon Area Hospital, to facilitate the construction of a rear entrance to the hospital.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered on 27/01/2025
AQW 20682/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Finance when the Northern Ireland Civil Service Human Resources will (i) cease using the term inefficiency as part of their Sickness Absence Management; and (ii) stop the issuing of written warnings to members of the Northern Ireland Prison Service who are suffering from diagnosed mental health conditions.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20681/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Finance to detail (i) when the Northern Ireland Prison Service booklet entitled Sick Absence - A Guide to Your Roles and Responsibilities, was replaced by the Northern Ireland Civil Service Staff Handbook; (ii) any consultation that was conducted with the Northern Ireland Prison Service in relation to this change; and (i) whether the (a) Prison Officers' Association; and (b) Prison Governors' Association was consulted about this change.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20680/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Justice to detail (i) the process for a short promotion, known as a substitution, in the Prison Service to cover critical roles; and (i) the role that a Prison Governor has in those promotions to ensure critical positions are filled at short notice.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20679/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Justice (i) whether Prison Officers are subject to the Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953; and (ii) whether the Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953 takes precedence over the Northern Ireland Civil Service Handbook.
| 16/01/2025 |
To be answered by 31/01/2025
AQW 20484/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Health for an update on the status of the Paediatric Pathology Service in Northern Ireland.
[Priority Written]
| 14/01/2025 |
To be answered by 22/01/2025
AQW 20483/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the number of post-mortems that have been carried out on children from Northern Ireland in (i) Northern Ireland; and (ii) England since 2019.
| 14/01/2025 |
To be answered by 29/01/2025
AQW 20482/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail any plans in place to reinstate the Paediatric Pathology Service in Northern Ireland.
| 14/01/2025 |
To be answered by 29/01/2025
AQW 19866/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to detail (i) the reporting procedure for independent panel findings in land and policy disputes with private landowners; and (i) whether the impacted individual landowner is entitled to a copy of the findings of the independent report.
| 13/12/2024 |
Question Withdrawn