Miss Jemma Dolan

Title: Miss
Official Last Name: Dolan
Official First Name: Jemma
Usual First Name: Jemma
Party: Sinn Féin
Constituency: Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Sinn FéinParty Member05/05/2022 - Present
Sinn FéinParty Member02/03/2017 - 27/03/2022

13/03/2017Fermanagh and South TyroneNationalist, First elected
13/05/2022Fermanagh and South TyroneNationalist, Re-elected

11/02/2025 - PresentCommittee MemberCommittee for Finance
10/02/2025 - PresentCommittee MemberAudit Committee
26/02/2024 - PresentCommittee MemberCommittee on Standards and Privileges
02/12/2024 - 10/02/2025Committee MemberCommittee for Justice
18/02/2022 - 25/02/2022Committee MemberConcurrent Committee of the Committee for Health and the Committee for Justice
25/06/2021 - 02/07/2021Committee MemberConcurrent Committee of the Committee for Justice and the Committee for Health
08/06/2021 - 16/06/2021Committee MemberConcurrent Committee of the Committee for the Executive Office, Committee for Finance and Committee for the Economy
31/03/2020 - 28/03/2022Committee MemberAd Hoc Committee on the COVID-19 Response
16/03/2020 - 28/03/2022Committee MemberCommittee for Justice
20/01/2020 - 28/03/2022Committee MemberCommittee for Finance
20/01/2020 - 16/03/2020Committee MemberCommittee for Health

PeriodPositionAll Party Group
16/05/2024 - PresentAssembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on International Development
07/06/2023 - PresentAssembly Party Group TreasurerAll-Party Group on Suicide Prevention
05/06/2023 - PresentAssembly Party Group SecretaryAll-Party Group on Preventing Loneliness
19/04/2023 - PresentAssembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Carers
10/03/2023 - PresentAssembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Ageing and Older People
11/07/2022 - PresentAssembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Further and Higher Education
15/05/2023 - 20/05/2024Assembly Party Group TreasurerAll-Party Group on Disability
01/07/2022 - 07/06/2023Assembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Suicide Prevention
30/06/2022 - 04/06/2023Assembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Preventing Loneliness
13/10/2020 - 27/03/2022Assembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Further and Higher Education
01/07/2020 - 27/03/2022Assembly Party Group MemberAll Party Group on Fair Banking and Finance
06/02/2020 - 27/03/2022Assembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Preventing Loneliness
26/03/2018 - 13/10/2021Assembly Party Group SecretaryAll Party Group on International Development
09/05/2017 - 26/03/2018Assembly Party Group MemberAll Party Group on International Development
09/05/2017 - 27/03/2022Assembly Party Group MemberAll-Party Group on Suicide Prevention

Room: TBC
Address: Parliament Buildings
Townland: Ballymiscaw
Ward: Stormont
Town: Belfast
Post Code: BT4 3XX
Email: jemma.dolan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk

Address 1: 7 MARKET STREET
Address 2:
Address 3:
Post Code: BT74 7DS
Phone: 028 6632 8214
Email: jemma.dolan@mla.niassembly.gov.uk

1. Employment and Earnings


2. Donations and other support


3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality


4. Visits


5. Shareholdings


6. Land and Property


7. Miscellaneous


8. Unremunerated interests


9. Family members who benefit from Office Cost Expenditure


Note: [R] indicates a registered declaration of interest
Ref NoMemberQuestionTabledStatus
AQO 1859/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Finance for his assessment of the Chancellor's Spring Statement 2025.

27/03/2025 To be answered on 07/04/2025
AQW 24852/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the number of people from the North, who have had to travel to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, have had successful lung transplants in each of the last five years.

24/03/2025 To be answered by 08/04/2025
AQW 24851/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail why organ transplants, in particular lung transplants, cannot be carried out in the North.

24/03/2025 To be answered by 08/04/2025
AQW 24850/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health whether there are any plans to introduce an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine in any Health Social Care Trust.

24/03/2025 To be answered by 08/04/2025
AQW 24849/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health to detail the process for organ retrieval during a bank holiday.

24/03/2025 To be answered by 08/04/2025
AQO 1713/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Finance to outline how the provisions in the 2024-25 Budget and the 2025-26 Draft Budget support childcare.

+ Display Answer
27/02/2025 Answered on 11/03/2025
AQW 24072/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail the current annual cost to his Department for housing people in non-Housing Executive properties.

10/03/2025 To be answered by 26/03/2025
AQW 24071/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail the number of people currently being housed in temporary or emergency accommodation in Fermanagh that is not owned by the Housing Executive.

10/03/2025 To be answered by 26/03/2025
AQW 24070/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail (i) the number of Housing Executive temporary or emergency housing units in Fermanagh; and (ii) the number of people currently being housed in these units.

10/03/2025 To be answered by 26/03/2025
AQW 24069/22-27 Miss Jemma Dolan
(SF - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail the number of people on a waiting list for temporary or emergency accommodation in Fermanagh.

10/03/2025 To be answered by 26/03/2025
Plenary Item TitleItemTabled AsTabled DatePlenary Date
Reinstatement of Postal ServicesMotionMLA - Fermanagh and South Tyrone10/03/2025 
International Women’s Day 2025MotionMLA - Fermanagh and South Tyrone20/02/202504/03/2025
Protection of Rights and Safety in Custodial Facilities - Amendment 3Motion AmendmentMLA - Fermanagh and South Tyrone16/01/2025 
Vote SubjectDivision Date Member Voted
-#2 Paramilitary Groups Transition from Violence and Crime - Amendment 2: Motion Amendment 2 [Mr Ge10/03/2025AYE
-#1 Paramilitary Groups Transition from Violence and Crime - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Mr Do10/03/2025NO
The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2025 [Minister of Finance - Department of Financ10/03/2025AYE
Paramilitary Groups Transition from Violence and Crime 10/03/2025AYE
Programme for Government 2024-2027 [First Minister and deputy First Minister - The Executive Office]03/03/2025AYE
Prayer of Annulment: The Animals (Identification, Records, Movement and Enforcement) (Amendment) Reg24/02/2025NO
Prayer of Annulment: The Direct Payments to Farmers (Cross-Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Nort04/02/2025AYE
-#1 Collection and Recycling Scheme for Disposable Nappies - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Mr Joh27/01/2025AYE
-#1 Gender-Responsive Budgeting - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Ms Diane Forsythe]14/01/2025NO
-#2 Relationships and Sexuality Education and Healthy Young Adult Relationships - Amendment 2: Motio14/01/2025AYE
-#1 Relationships and Sexuality Education and Healthy Young Adult Relationships - Amendment 1: Motio14/01/2025NO
-#1 Ending Violence Against Women and Girls - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Ms Joanne Bunting]14/01/2025NO
Democratic Consent Resolution [Mr Philip McGuigan]10/12/2024AYE
The draft Climate Change (2040 Emissions Target) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 [Minister of Ag10/12/2024AYE
The draft Climate Change (Carbon Budgets 2023-2037) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 [Minister of10/12/2024AYE
Delays to Flagship Maternity and Children’s Hospital Project [Mrs Diane Dodds]26/11/2024AYE
-#1 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Revised Wording) - Amendme25/11/2024NO
-#1 Belfast City Centre Dereliction - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Ms Diane Forsythe]18/11/2024NO
-#1 Future EU Relationship - Amendment 1: Motion Amendment 1 [Mr Eóin Tennyson]18/11/2024AYE
Breaches of the Ministerial Code of Conduct [Mr Matthew O'Toole]18/11/2024AYE

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