Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 1867/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Finance to outline what steps the General Register Office for Northern Ireland takes to notify other agencies and statutory bodies once a death has been registered.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered on 07/04/2025
AQW 25209/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities for an update, including a time frame, on when the Housing Executive will be able to borrow finances to commence building social homes.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered by 11/04/2025
AQW 25208/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail any progress made to strengthen the Housing Executive's ability to deal with problem tenants, including sanction, removal and refusal to rehouse.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered by 11/04/2025
AQW 25207/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail any assessment made of the efficacy of the working arrangements and protocols between Housing Solutions and the Housing Executive.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered by 11/04/2025
AQW 25206/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities whether he intends to review Housing Solutions.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered by 11/04/2025
AQW 25205/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities for his assessment of the efficacy and accountability of Housing Solutions.
| 27/03/2025 |
To be answered by 11/04/2025
AQW 25023/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Justice, following her statement on 11 March 2025 which referenced the potential need to introduce alternative delivery models for publicly-funded legal services, to detail how progressing this option will impact the current sequencing and timings of the Enabling Access to Justice Programme Delivery Plan.
| 25/03/2025 |
To be answered by 09/04/2025
AQW 25022/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the overall costs to cover internal staff movements while associate principals are in place in each of the last ten years.
| 25/03/2025 |
To be answered by 09/04/2025
AQW 25021/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) the number of associate principals in place across Northern Ireland, broken down by (a) sector; and (b) length of time in post; and (ii) the total cost to the education sector for the provision of associate principals in each of the last ten years.
| 25/03/2025 |
To be answered by 09/04/2025
AQW 24910/22-27
Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to detail (i) the recommendations and outcomes of the report on residents'-only parking schemes; (ii) the elements she plans to progress; and (iii) how residents can apply for their street to become eligible for such a scheme.
| 24/03/2025 |
To be answered by 08/04/2025